KIDS swim Run & surf Swim Squads…

Usually a fast start from the kids 😆

Parent(s) swim/ run with younger kids 💕

Friday, October 25 - 4:30pm: Swansea Bay Beach Swim Run is Back!!!
* Run
is 300 - 400 metresas below
* Swim is 300 metres or 400 metres or 500 metres as below
We do 3 x Swim/ Run then rest!
We do a 2nd set of 3 x Run/ Swim as above!
Swansea Bay Beach:
meet public car park opp toilets on the water side of Swansea Lakeside Holiday Park - turn left off Dobinson Drive after Holiday Park entrance.
* Course map details here:
* 300m - 400m run from car park to Piritta Island Point following the new boardwalk - it’s a picturesque run!
* 300m swim option - start end of the board walk on the left side.
* 400m Swim - as above but start on right side at end of boardwalk.
* 500m swim - as above & swim around 1 - 5 of the yellow marker buoys at the end.
* YES we swim in shoes!
* Session goes for 60 minutes for both courses & we swim with the tide! We do reverse of course above when tide is running out!
White Squad Minimum safety standard - NO Marlins (Learn to Swim)
Each kid must have a parent swimming or paddling with them.
Bronze squad kids: you can swim without parents. We can match up on the day.
Bookings are mandatory - you cannot start the session if you have not booked online! Book here

Instagram Link here from our last Swansea Swim Run SO.MUCH.FUN

* Adult Swim Run follows same course then option to do longer course after we all do the 3 x run/ swims at the start! details here

10 out of 10 swim course!

Course map details here

Swansea Heads Swim Run

Meet here - next to 2 Lambton Parade, Swansea Heads.

Swansea Heads Swim Run
Meet: Car park at the end of Lambton Parade (just past #2 Lambton Parade), Swansea Heads. Google map location here
Course: Faster runner/ swimmers go longer (500 metre runs & 300 metre swims) with slower runner/ swimmers going shorter 300 - 400 metre run & 100 - 200 metre swims.
Run: 400 - 500 metre run along the grass from Lucys Breakwall to Salts Bay Car Park & back.
Swim: 100 -200 - 300 metre options around 1, 2 or 3 swim buoys positioned 50 metres from shore & 50 metres apart.
How Long? We go fro 60 - 75 minutes as below
- 3 - 4 laps starting with a warm-up run & swim then getting quicker followed by 3 minutes rest.
- 2 laps & 3 minutes rest.
- 1 lap Dash 4 Cash!
- KIDS bring your nipper boards & we have some FUN Ironman Team Races!