Swim Run

January 28: Merwether Swim Run starts with an easy run along this iconic beach to Horseshoe Beach, Newcastle (5.5km).


We host regular Swim Run training sessions rotating at various locations around Lake Macquarie & Newcastle.

Swim Run is an amazing sport where you run and randomly jump in the water with your joggers on and swim! You get out & do it again & again! You very quickly get used to both swimming in joggers and running in wet shoes.
Fun Fact - your shoes float you so you swim quicker!
- wear socks & apply vaso!


How Swim Run works

Courses are generally split over 5 - 10km+ of running & 1.5 - 3km of swimming! It’s always a good idea to grab a partner, but we look after each other! No Partner = No Worries The first run usually sorts out who is faster and who is slower so you can enter your first swim with a partner. Simply cut the swim short if your new found partner is a faster swimmer, or if you are behind just miss a swim!
In winter we start with a run of 3 - 5km & to make it safer we offer shorter/ longer options on these sessions to keep everyone close together.
* Minimum swimming safety standard is 1km non-stop freestyle!

We run regular Swim Run courses alternating between Merewether, Swansea Bay Beach, Horseshoe Beach, Caves Beach & Nelson Bay.

Upcoming Swim Runs:

Friday, October 25 swansea Bay Beach
Kids Swim Run Swansea Bay Beach - details here
Adults Swim Run Swansea Bay Beach

Merewether, Belmont, Horseshoe Beach & Nelson Bay Swim Runs TBC

Please make sure you register before attending & study the course details below with Strava map links!

Swansea Bay Beach Swim Run, Friday October 25:
Short Course - 400 metre run & 300 - 500 swim. We start with 3 short course laps for everyone!
Long Course option - 3 x short course as above then 1 - 2 x 1km run/ 1km swim
*** KIDS short course option 4:30pm - details here

Course Strava Map here featuring short course & long course options

Short Course details:
* 400m run from car park to Piritta Island Point following the new boardwalk - it’s a picturesque run! Slower runners/ swimmers take a short-cut entry into the swim (300 metres).
* 400m swim from Piritta Island Point back to Holiday Park - slower swimmers around the breakwall & faster swimmers around 1 - 4 yellow buoys in front of car park (500m).

To optimise safety & keep us all close together everyone starts with a 3 lap familiarisation warm up lap on our short course! You will find a partner of equal ability on your 1st Swim Run. Following this we all do a 1km+ run & you then have the choice of swimming the 1km back (it’s stunning) or returning to the 400 metre course for more loops.

- Long Course details: follow the track to boat ramp (1km) next to Humphreys Reserve. 1km swim from boat ramp to Swansea Bay Beach - stay close to the rocks. It’s a stunning swim.
Session goes for 90 minutes for both courses & we swim with the tide!

* April 2023 Instagram Video
October 20
Instagram videos here

Swansea Bay Beach:
meet public car park opp toilets on the water side of Swansea Lakeside Holiday Park - turn left off Dobinson Drive after Holiday Park entrance. Click Here for strava short course map
*** KIDS short course option 4:30pm - details here

Teamwork is Dreamwork

Merewether 2 Newie Swim Run
Start/ Finish Merewether Ocean Baths Huts (leave bag/ clothes/ towel & car key).

Strava Map of Course here

Run 1: to The Bogey Hole (3km)
Swim 1: 10 laps of The Bogey Hole

Run 2 to Newcastle Ocean Baths (1.5km)
Swim 2: 4 - 8 laps of 50 metre pool (Nobbys side of the baths)

*** Faster athletes then run to Horseshoe Beach (1km) for 2 lap swim (400 metres)
& then back to the Bogey Hole as below.

Run 3: to The Bogey Hole (1.5km)
Swim 3: 10 laps of The Bogey Hole

Run 4: to Merewether Baths (3km)
Swim 4: 4 - 8 laps of Merewether Baths (north side)

Run 5: 2 - 4 sets of Merewether Stairs (1km)
Swim 6: 4 - 8 laps of Merewether Baths

Run 6: top of Merewether Stairs to get your medal...

Top of Newcastle Memorial Walk overlooking Bar Beach & Merewether

Running back from Nobbys to Newcastle Ocean Baths

Strava Map link here

Belmont 2 Valentine: Start Belmont Baths toilets - corner Brooks Parade & Maude St, Belmont.

Run 1 to Green Point
Swim 1 along Green Point to wharf (400 - 500m)

Run 2 to the end of trail run & the start of Bennett Park on Dilkera Ave
Swim 2 along in front of Bennett Park to Valentine Boat Ramp (400 - 500m).
*** Longer Course option only:
Run to Valentine Bowling Club wharf & swim back along parallel to park (300 - 400m)

Run 3 EVERYONE to Green Point Wharf (NO 2nd swim at Valentine boat ramp for long course)
Swim 3 along Green Point from wharf (400 - 500m).

Run 4 to Belmont Baths
Swim 4 Around Belmont Baths from left to right then from right to left.

Distance: Short Course 11km & Long Course 14km

Swim #1 & Swim #3 Green Point to the jetty!

Swim #2 Bennett Park to Valentine Boat Ramp

Long Course Valentine Wharf Swim opposite Bowling Club

Last Swim - inside or outside laps of Belmont Baths

Caves Beach Swim Run

Meet: Caves Beach Surf Club
Total Run: 9 - 11km & Total Swim: 1.2km - 2.4km

Course Map click here for Strava Course Map

Run 1 Caves Beach to Spoon Rocks Breakwall (south end)
Swim 1 Spoon Rocks to Penguin Cove & back - 300m. Faster runners do 2 lap swim!

Run 2 Spoon Rocks to Pinnys Beach Bridge & back to Spoon Rocks. Pinny Beach Bridge is the entrance to Wallarah National Park * Check map to make sure you go via Spoon Rocks Lookout & Quarries Head - it’s beautiful.
Swim 2 Spoon Rocks to Penguin Cove & back - 300m. Faster runners do 2 lap swim!

Run 3 Spoon Rocks to Caves Beach
Swim 3 Caves Beach out/ back 200 - 400m
* You can STOP now or continue as below!

Run 4 Caves Beach to Frenchies Beach & back. Turn around with faster runners!
Swim 4 Caves Beach out/ back 200 - 400m

Insta Video of our crew click here
Course Map click here for Strava Course Map

Caves Beach Swim Run

Swansea Swim Run (Swansea bay beach) Long Course

Meet: Swansea Bay Beach at end of car park behind Swansea Lakeside Holiday Park - off Dobinson Drive.
Course Map: click here for Strava map & details.
Distance: 10 - 15km of running & 1.3 - 3.5km of swimming.

Run 1 around Holiday Park to Boat Ramp off Dobinson Drive
Swim 1 Boat Ramp to Swansea Bay Beach 800m total including around yellow marker buoys 200m in front of beach with shortcut option to make the swim 400 metres+

Run 2 back along water past boat ramp & along Swansea Channel to Swansea RSL.
Swim 2 - swim across entrance to Black Neds Bay from beach in front of RSL 100m

Run 3 Follow sand along water til breakwall before Salts Bay (as per our Salts Bay Swim).
Swim 3 - around breakwall & along Salts Bay Beach (500m). Slower athletes take short cut.

Run 4 - Salts Bay car park to Reids Reserve Swansea Heads & back to Salts Bay car park.
Swim 4 - Salts Bay Car Park around Breakwall 500m - short cut option!
* Swimmer option to skip run below & swim along Salts bay all the way to Swansea Bridge!

Run 5 - Salts Bay breakwall to beach opposite Swansea RSL.
Swim 5 - across to Swansea RSL 100m or 300m swim under Swansea Bridge (next to rocks) with coach Spot
* All swim runners meet partners at boat ramp west side of Swansea Bridge!

Run 6 - to 2nd boat ramp on Swansea Channel opposite holiday park
Swim 6 - same as Swim 1: Boat Ramp to Swansea Bay Beach 800m - shortcut option as per Swim 1

Nelson Bay Swim Run

Meet 7:15am: Conroy Park off Sandy Point Road.
Course Map:
click here for Strava map & details.

Run #1 Run 700m west to end of The Anchorage Marina with slower runners turning early then running east to stairs at the west end of Dutchmans Beach (Dutchies)
Swim #1 along Dutchmans Beach (Dutchies) from west to east. * Faster athletes do whole beach 400-500m & others cut swim short.

Run #2 Dutchies to East end of Little Beach
Swim #2 around netted swim area Little Beach from east to west. * Faster athletes do a 2nd loop if they have caught others.

Run #3 Little Beach to Dive Entry point on Victoria Parade.
Swim #3 Dive Entry around headland to Nelson Bay Beach. * Faster athletes run back to dive entry point & do a 2nd swim if they have caught others.

Run #4 Nelson Bay Beach to east end Dutchies Beach
Swim #4 Swim along Dutchies to stairs at west end. * Faster athletes do a 2nd loop if they have caught others.

Run #5 Dutchies Stairs to west end of Bagnalls Beach
Swim #5 Bagnalls Beach around 4 yellow boat markers buoys & around Sandy Point to Conroy Park. * Faster athletes can do a 2nd Anchorage Run if ahead!


Caves Beach

Piritta Island Swansea

Sunrise at our last Caves Beach Swim Run - its a cracker of a course!

Long Course Strava Map here

Merewether 2 Newie Swim Run Click here for Strava Map

* Run 1 Merewether to The Bogey Hole Horseshoe Beach Car Park on western end of beach (5.5km). Faster Runners - Run via Memorial Walk to The Bogey Hole in King Edwards Park & swim 8 - 12 laps of the pool then run to Horseshoe Beach

* Swim 1 = Horseshoe Beach across bay & back (500 metres)* Run 2 to Newcastle Baths enter via north end. Faster Runners - run to the end of Nobbys Breakwall.

* Swim 2 = 8 - 12 laps of smaller pool. Please give way to local swimmers!

* Run 3 Newcastle Baths to The Bogey Hole.

* Swim 3 = 8 - 12 laps of pool. Please give way to local swimmers!

* Run 4 The Bogey Hole to Merewether Baths.

* Swim 4 = 8 - 12 laps of Merewether Baths. Please give way to local swimmers!

* Run 5 = Up the famous Merewether Stairs behind the pool. Collect Finishers Medal & Walk back down stairs waving to the fans!

* Total Run Distance = 12km or 14 - 16km for faster runners.

* Total Swim Distance 1600m - 2400m.

Timetable/ Booking - https://lakemacmultisport.com/timetable
Strava Map link here & Lake Mac Multi Sports Strava Club here (we list our weekly runs & monthly Run Swims on here)
Previous Insta Photo/ Video Links:
1. Jan 2022 Vid here 2. Bogey Hole Swim Vid here 3. Nov 2021 here 4. Oct 2021 here
5. July 2021 here 6. Big Swell Bogey Hole Vid here 7. Feb 2021 here

Horseshoe Beach Newcastle - you can swim in 2 metres of water next to shoreline!